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As one of West Virginia’s most prestigious behavioral health hospitals, Highland-Clarksburg Hospital provides patients with activities that help them to reach their rehabilitation goals. The facility offers an Imagination Playground Playroom, gymnasium, workout room, library, card and board game tables, and music room. Patients can participate in activities such as: Music therapy, art therapy, garden therapy, exercise therapy, or simply relax in the library with a good book.

In addition to the activities listed above, children can explore our playground facility, compete at our air hockey table, or enjoy creating sidewalk-chalk art on a sunny day.


For more information on our activities program, please contact the Activities Department at 304-969-3100.

Highland-Clarksburg Hospital welcomes and serves patients equally, without regard to race, color, religion, or national origin.

Imagination Playground​

• Children learn so much from play; it teaches them social skills such as sharing, taking turns, self-discipline and tolerance of others. Children’s lives are enhanced by playing creatively. By playing, children learn and develop as individuals. Playing assists in their emotional and intellectual development and mental health resilience, which are core building blocks for their transition years.

• Children like to play because there is no “right or wrong” way. They can use their imagination to develop games and interact with each other without being in an adult-led environment.

• Play is often called the “work” of children. Unstructured (free play) needs to be encouraged as much as possible. Over programming children can spoil the true benefits of play.

• Play is defined as -- behavior which is “freely chosen, personally directed and intrinsically motivated.”

• Play is the universal language of childhood.

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Highland-Clarksburg Hospital is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

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